If you are committed to setting up your GCC in India, this is the way to go. Our BOT offering provides a simple pay-as-you-go engagement model and exponentially increases your chance of success. The GCC is established as a new entity that is operated by b4uleap until the operations are scaled up to meet your planned growth and you are ready to take full ownership of the operations.
If you are looking to dip your toes into setting up an India presence, but are not willing to go all in, this engagement model is for you. We will custom build a team that will provide services to you under your direction and management. We hire the team, provide the workspace, act as the employer of record, take care of payroll, benefits and all regulation, while you manage the delivery of services the team provides you. All in a simple pay-as-you-go model.
You have to option to upgrade from a Global Managed Teams model to a BOT model anytime during your engagement
Our full suite of GCC solutions are designed to minimize risk and maximize likelihood of success of your GCC
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